3D Animation through the years by Roger LeBouthillier

>> Friday, May 29, 2009

The first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about animation is the idea of cartoons and the like. But long before cartoons and other computer graphics were developed, it all originated from the technique known as Phenakistoscope where simple simultaneous drawings were put together that gives the effect as if the drawings are moving. Using this technique, many animated features where created. But then because of the development of the computers this technique was not used during the twenty first century. Upon the development of the computers, animations were made by directly drawing or scanning the animations into the computer. This involves the rapid display of images in sequences that make the illusion of movement. The evolution of animation came first from 2D which has now evolved to 3D animation. 3D animations differed in such a way that the animations are seen from all angles as in real life.

There are different kinds of 3D animation from which can be grouped into various terms. The first kind is the cel-shaded animation. In this kind of animation, the drawing looks as if it is hand drawn. The second kind is the morph target animation wherein the animation is stored as a series of vertex positions where it will move in every frame. It is useful for cloth, skin and facial expressions. The next kind is the skeletal animation which is also known as rigging where the techniques is done by constructing the animation as a series of bones. Motion capture on the other hand is used for recording the action movements digitally. Another kind is the crowd simulation where a movement is reproduced to a larger number of characters or objects. These are the different techniques that are used today for 3D animation.


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